

Publication: Navigating the Metaverse - Trademark Infringements and its Legal Implications

The use and exploration of the metaverse and other virtual worlds by businesses are on the rise. It is germane that businesses, practitioners, and regulators get familiar with some of the trademark (and other brand management) issues in the metaverse.

In this article, Ibrahim Haroon and Kanyinsola Olukokun introduce readers to the jurisprudence and issues relating to trademark protection in the metaverse by considering some of the issues and brand management mechanisms that businesses can consider for their metaverse goods and services concerning relevant case laws and other sources.

Read more to learn about Trademarks in the Metaverse and how to safeguard your intellectual property in this rapidly evolving virtual world -

#GElias #IntellectualProperty #Metaverse #Legal #Trademarks #Infringement #Laws #Brand


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